Psychology: An Introduction
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Psychology: An Introduction, 9/e

Benjamin B. Lahey, University of Chicago

ISBN: 0073123870
Copyright year: 2007

About the Author

Benjamin B. Lahey received his undergraduate training from Davidson College and his Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Tennessee. He has taught at both community college and university levels, including the University of Georgia and the University of Miami, before joining the faculty at the University of Chicago. Ben is an award-winning teacher and a frequent speaker at the Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. He is also an active researcher on the behavioral and emotional problems of children; his research has been supported by the National Institute of Mental Health for many years. Ben was a representative of the field of psychology on the DSM-IV Child Disorders Work Group and a member of the US liaison group for the mental health section of the International Classification of Diseases. He was also the editor, with Alan E. Kazdin, of the first fourteen volumes in the annual series, Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, published by Plenum Press.
Lahey 9e book cover

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