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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Becky exhibits the symptom of borderline personality disorder in which she fears becoming too close to another person because
A)she fears that the person may eventually reject her.
B)she is afraid that her anxieties will be exposed.
C)she feels superior to other people.
D)her mother will disapprove of the relationship.

As shown in the video of Becky, one of the symptoms of borderline personality disorder involves harming herself by
A)using a knife to cut her skin.
B)beating her head against a hard surface.
C)placing her hands on a hot stove.
D)hitting herself on the legs until she bruises.

People who have _____ personality disorder have difficulty controlling their rage when someone interferes with their goals.

In therapy, clients with borderline personality disorder are particularly likely to
A)become aloof and distant.
B)describe their problems in vague and ambiguous terms.
C)become pathologically dependent on the therapist.
D)show narcissistic behavior.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of borderline personality disorder?
A)An inability to distinguish between one's own identity and the identities of others
B)The formation of intense and demanding relationships with others
C)A pervasive pattern of unstable moods
D)Being able to maintain clear boundaries between the self and others

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