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Multiple Choice Quiz
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This process is required for the systematic diagnosis by psychiatrists and psychologists of psychological disorders:
A)Matching a person's symptoms with disorders in the diagnostic manual.
B)Interviewing family and friends to find out about deviant behaviors.
C)Performing medical tests and brain scans on patients in hospitals.
D)Applying statistical formulas to examine the frequency of behaviors.

Melanie is seeking a new psychologist after her previous psychologist diagnosed her as having 'borderline personality disorder,' meaning that she has chronically unstable relationships and a weak sense of self. However, the new psychologist agrees with this diagnosis. To indicate the nature of her personality disorder, the psychologist will most likely give Melanie a diagnosis from Axis ____ of the DSM-IV-TR

One of the advantages of having a diagnostic system for classifying mental disorders is:
A)That it limits the potential for labeling a person as deviant.
B)To make it easier to conduct systematic research on psychopathology.
C)That it settles issues and controversies over the causes of mental illness.
D)To prevent non-psychiatrists from treating people with psychopathology.

Psychologists regard as an advantage the fact that the DSM-IV-TR is:
A)Based on psychoanalysis.
B)Not based on theory.
C)Based on behaviorism.
D)Organized into 10 axes.

Dottie is seeking help from a therapist for her constant bouts of anxiety, inability to sleep, and concerns that her family does not love her anymore. Her therapist will use the DSM-IV-TR in order to provide Dottie with:
A)Suggestions for the type treatment she should receive.
B)Listings of medical insurance companies.
C)Providing a systematic diagnosis that reflects her symptoms.
D)Deciding which theoretical perspective best fits her.

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