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  • Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or tension, in reaction to stressful situations.
    • Some people experience anxiety in situations in which there is no external reason or cause.
  • When anxiety occurs without external justification and begins to affect people's daily functioning, it is an anxiety disorder.
  • There are four types of anxiety disorders.
    • A phobia is an intense, irrational fear of specific objects or situations.
        Phobias may have only a minor impact on people's lives if those who suffer from them can avoid the stimuli that trigger fear.
    • In panic disorder, anxiety suddenly, and often without specific cause or warning, rises to a peak.
        Physical symptoms may include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, unusual amounts of sweating, faintness and dizziness.
    • People with generalized anxiety disorder experience long-term, persistent anxiety and worry.
        Because of their persistent anxiety, they cannot concentrate, cannot set their worry and fears aside; their lives become centered around their worry.

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