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Multiple Choice Quiz
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When _____ are introduced into the body, neurotransmitter molecules remain in the synapse.

When neurotransmitters travel across the synaptic gap and stimulate the receiving neurons sufficiently, then an action potential
A)will travel more quickly, if it occurs at all.
B)will travel more slowly, if it occurs at all.
C)occurs in the receiving neurons.
D)does not occur in the receiving neurons.

Kevin has been smoking cigarettes for several months. One consequence of Kevin adding nicotine to his system is the
A)effects of a neurotransmitter will be imitated.
B)receptor sites on the receiving neuron will be more sensitive.
C)amount of neurotransmitter that is released into the synapse will be increased.
D)reuptake of neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap will be blocked.

Mabel drinks alcoholic beverages when she eats dinner in restaurants. What effect will this have on Mabel at a neural level?
A)The effects of a neurotransmitter will be imitated.
B)The receptor sites on the receiving neuron will be more sensitive.
C)The amount of neurotransmitter that is released into the synapse will be increased.
D)The reuptake of neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap will be blocked.

Though Ling may not realize exactly what is happening, the neurotransmitters in her brain are releasing a higher than usual number of neurotransmitters. Ling is probably _____.
A)consuming caffeine
B)taking antidepressants
C)smoking cigarettes
D)drinking alcohol

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