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Multiple Choice Quiz
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During the trance state, people experience this phenomenon:
A)Attentiveness to a hypnotist's suggestions.
B)Extreme anxiety and agitation.
C)Loss of all self-control.
D)Unwillingness to lie.

Barbara goes to a hypnotist who tells her that she is very susceptible to hypnosis. What does this mean?
A)Barbara will be easily hypnotized.
B)The hypnotist will not be able to hypnotize Barbara.
C)Barbara's friends will be able to play tricks on her.
D)Other people are likely to be hypnotized by Barbara.

Which of the following statements is true about hypnosis?
A)People can be hypnotized to commit illegal behaviors.
B)There are no individual variations in the response to hypnosis.
C)While hypnotized, people cannot be made to act against their wishes.
D)People who are easily hypnotized cannot sit still and listen to music.

Researchers believe which statement to be true about hypnosis?
A)The majority of the population can be easily hypnotized.
B)Frequent hypnosis leads to memory loss.
C)People cannot be hypnotized unless they wish to be.
D)While hypnotized, people will act against their will.

For which patient might a physician recommend hypnosis?
A)Wade, who is trying to quit smoking.
B)Janice, who is a chronic abuser of alcohol.
C)Bart, who is addicted to crack cocaine.
D)Laura, whose heroin abuse led to her hospitalization.

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