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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The story of twins Gerald Levey and Mark Newman, who were separated at birth and grew up separately, illustrates that
A)the environment drastically affects a person’s behaviors, attitudes, and appearance.
B)two people can look and behave in remarkably similar ways even though they are unrelated.
C)identical genetic backgrounds produce dramatic similarities in people, even if they were reared apart.
D)men with high levels of testosterone behave alike and look alike well into adulthood.

The study of growth and change throughout life is known as
A)behavioral genetics
B)evolutionary psychology
C)environmental psychology
D)developmental psychology

Identical twins reared apart provide the most useful information on
A)the relative impact of heredity vs. the environment.
B)whether good parenting can improve intelligence.
C)male-female differences in personality traits.
D)the impact of schools on social development.

Dr. Hobbes wishes to examine in depth the impact of heredity and the environment on child development. The best way to test her ideas is to study differences between
A)identical twins reared together.
B)siblings reared together.
C)identical twins reared apart.
D)parents and children living together.

Regarding the debate between heredity and the environment, researchers believe that it is important to look at the interaction between the two because
A)heredity sets the upper limit on any influence the environment can have on behavior.
B)the environment influences psychological characteristics and heredity influences physical characteristics.
C)heredity influences psychological characteristics and the environment influences physical characteristics.
D)the environment is an important influence in later life; heredity is more important in early life.

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