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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Janet has just learned that she is pregnant. Although she is concerned about her baby's developing normally, she is reassured by the fact that ___________ percent of infants are born with serious birth defects.
A)8 to 10
B)2 to 5
C)less than one
D)15 to 18

Down's syndrome is a form of mental retardation caused by
A)poor prenatal care, including inadequate maternal diet.
B)trauma to the head before or shortly after birth.
C)extra chromosomal material.
D)a history of retardation in the family.

Which of the following is an example of a teratogen?
A)Down's syndrome

The term fetal alcohol syndrome refers to
A)retardation in the child of a mother who abused alcohol while pregnant.
B)symptoms of alcohol dependence in the very young infant.
C)improvement in cognitive functioning among children born of alcoholic mothers.
D)the greater likelihood that the son of an alcoholic father will become an alcoholic.

Jane is four months pregnant and extremely underweight due to her inability to afford proper nutrition. She is placing her unborn child at risk of being
A)somewhat overweight.
B)average weight.

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