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Multiple Choice Quiz
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According to Kohlberg, moral development evolves from the _____ to the _____.
A)absolute; relative
B)relative; absolute
C)general; specific
D)specific; general

As Shane and Deb are preparing their joint yearly taxes, they consider not reporting income that Deb received. Deb suggests that misreporting their taxes could result in fines and imprisonment. Shane suggests that such consequences would embarrass the family and possibly ruin their children's future. They subsequently decide not to misreport income. In making this decision, Shane reflects the _____ stage of moral development and Deb reflects the _____ stage.
A)conventional; conventional
B)preconventional; preconventional
C)postconventional; preconventional
D)conventional; preconventional

According to Kohlberg's model, all of the following statements about moral development are true except
A)moral development occurs in discrete stages.
B)the highest level of morality is difficult to reach, a few people achieve it.
C)a focus on socially acceptable action is the highest level of morality.
D)moral development occurs in a predictable, fixed fashion over time.

According to Carol Gilligan, one of the primary weaknesses of Kohlberg's model of moral development is that it
A)overlooks moral development in the very earliest stages of life.
B)ignores the influence a person's society has on his/her moral development.
C)more correctly describes moral development in Asian Americans than in Africa Americans.
D)more correctly describes moral development in men than in women.

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