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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Alicia is a 15-year-old who has felt extremely anxious and depressed over the past three weeks after learning about the divorce of her parents. Compared to her brother, what are Alicia's chances for suffering from symptoms severe enough to lead her to become suicidal?
A)Much higher
B)About the same
C)Much lower
D)Somewhat higher

Of the following, which is a factor that increases an adolescent's risk of completing suicide?
A)Ethnic or minority
B)Female sex
C)High perfectionism
D)Increased appetite

Which of the following statements is true about adolescent suicide risk?
A)The factors that lead to increased risk are known.
B)Although risk factors exist, it is still difficult to predict suicide.
C)People who feel suicidal usually follow through on completing the act.
D)Adolescent males and females are equally likely to commit suicide.

Gender differences in suicide are described best in which of the following statements?
A)Girls attempt suicide more often, but boys succeed more often.
B)Each year, more girls than boys die from suicide.
C)Girls are more likely than boys to choose violent methods of suicide.
D)Boys are more likely than girls to attempt suicide.

Of the following, which is a factor that decreases an adolescent's risk of completing suicide?
A)Caucasian race
B)Parental conflict
C)Low perfectionism
D)Decreased appetite

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