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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Research suggests that there is a _____ correlation between a person's ease in relaxing and his/her tendency towards the Type A behavior pattern.

In this interactivity, you learned that people with Type A behavior patterns are more likely than others to experience coronary heart disease. Most of the research that looks at this relationship is correlational, which means you should conclude that
A)Type A behavior pattern causes coronary heart disease.
B)coronary heart disease leads one to adopt the Type A behavior pattern.
C)the causal relationship between these variables cannot be determined.
D)the results of these studies are invalid and cannot be trusted.

A local company is hiring for a new position that requires the applicant to be able to manage several projects simultaneously. A person with _____ behavior pattern would probably be well-suited for this position.
A)Type A
B)Type B
C)Type C
D)Type D

Gary is an average man, much like the participants in studies that have examined Type A, B, and D behavior styles. Given Gary's degree of typicality, you would be correct to assume that he is
A)entirely Type A.
B)entirely Type B.
C)entirely Type D.
D)somewhere between Type A and type B.

All of the following are characteristic of a person with Type B behavior pattern except
C)easygoing nature.

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