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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Skinner's behaviorist theory of language development regards _____________________ as the most important contributor to the child's learning of language.
A)imitation of and reinforcement by parents
B)observational learning
C)innate or inherited neural structures
D)interaction with peers

Chomsky's nativist theory of language development regards the most important contributor to the child's learning of language as
A)imitation of parents.
B)social reinforcement.
C)innate neural structures.
D)interaction with peers.

Three-year-old Sarah is crying because, in her words, she is afraid of 'mouses.' Sarah's use of the word 'mouses' would be described by experts on child language as an example of
A)phonemic generalization.
C)universal grammar.

When a toddler says 'Want kitty,' instead of 'I want to pet the kitty,' this is an example of
C)telegraphic speech.
D)holographic speech.

A problem with learning theories of child language development is that they
A)do not account for imitation of parents.
B)cannot explain how language rules are acquired.
C)emphasize linguistic relativity.
D)apply only to the telegraphic speech stage.

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