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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In contrast to classical conditioning, the process of shaping through operant conditioning involves which type of behavior?
A)Overcoming a learned fear.
B)Gaining insight into personal problems.
C)Mastering a complex task.
D)Becoming afraid of a familiar situation.

Which of the following correctly illustrates the process of shaping?
A)Darren is given a good haircut.
B)Winnie learns not to touch a hot stove.
C)Ashley feels good when sitting outside.
D)Anton learns a complicated new drum routine.

As shown in the video, Sally Jones was able to train dogs to perform stunts through a process called:

Dan is teaching his weight-lifting class a new set of complex routines. He uses shaping for this purpose if:
A)he shows a video of the routine and then asks the class to perform the routines while watching the video.
B)he starts with easy lifts and works the class into the more difficult combinations, saying things like "Good work!" and "Keep it up!" as they get better.
C)he hands out diagrams of the routines for students to memorize before the next class.
D)he plays music while he demonstrates each routine.

In shaping, a person goes through which process?
A)Voluntary skilled behaviors are learned through reinforcement.
B)Automatic reflexes are conditioned to neutral stimuli.
C)New behaviors are acquired by repeating the acts of others.
D)People develop a learned aversion to the sight of brain surgery.

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