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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Patrick has a high need for achievement. Which of the following responses would he likely give on the thematic apperception test?
A)"The people probably have romantic feelings for each other and will begin dating soon."
B)"The people are probably bidding against each other for a piece of art at an auction."
C)"One person is an employee, and the other is the boss who gives orders to everyone."
D)"She is a teacher who empowers her student to read more books over the summer."

Thom has a high need for achievement, so he probably prefers
A)easy success.
B)challenging tasks.
C)to have many goals.
D)tasks with no goals.

Karen knows that most students in her organic chemistry class earn a "B-." She hopes to earn a "B+". Based on this information, we might conclude that Karen has a
A)high need for achievement.
B)low need for achievement.
C)high need for power.
D)low need for power.

Lyle makes a "D" on his first two psychology exams, and he decides to strive for an "A" on the final exam. Based on this information, we might conclude that Lyle has a
A)high need for power.
B)low need for power.
C)high need for achievement.
D)low need for achievement.

Maggie states that she no longer has the same drive for excellence that she remembers having had as a child. Based on research on the need for achievement, you can conclude that Maggie's statement is
A)incorrect; the need for achievement is a stable trait.
B)correct; the need for achievement can change over time.
C)partially correct; the need for achievement changes over time, but only for academic tasks.
D)partially correct; the need for achievement changes over time, but only for work-related tasks.

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