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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In which of the following phenomena are neurons involved?
A)The development of schizophrenia.
B)The development of depression.
C)The experience of emotion.
D)A, B, and C.

Which of the following statements is true?
A)When a strong stimulus acts on a neuron, the action potential becomes larger than if the stimulus is weak.
B)When a strong stimulus acts on a neuron, the action potential travels more quickly than if the stimulus is weak.
C)When a strong stimulus acts on a neuron, action potentials occur more frequently than if the stimulus is weak.
D)A, B, and C.

According to information in this interactivity, you would be correct to assume that as an action potential moves along an axon, the message it communicates is in _____ form. But once the message enters the synapse, it is in _____ form.
A)liquid; plasma
B)plasma; liquid
C)chemical; electrical
D)electrical; chemical

When a neural signal is transmitted, it leaves the _____ of the first neuron and is received by the _____ of the second neuron.
A)axon; dendrites
B)dendrites; axo
C)glial cells; neurotransmitters
D)neurotransmitters; glial cells

The speed at which an action potential moves along an axon depends in part on
A)the length of the dendrites.
B)the thickness of the myelin sheath.
C)how often the neuron fires.
D)the number of terminal buttons.

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