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Multiple Choice Quiz
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As his plane lifts off the runway, Alistair notices that the buildings, which looked so large when he was on the ground, now seem tiny in appearance. Yet he knows that the buildings have not changed size. This perceptual event is a violation of what principle?
A)Just noticeable difference
B)Monocular disparity
C)Stimulus ambiguity
D)Perceptual constancy

As shown in this exercise, an important factor in the way we judge depth perception is:
A)innate ability.
B)advice from others.
C)experience in the world.
D)auditory information.

As shown in this interactivity, the size of the man in green (in the background) is judged on the basis of which of the following?
A)Experience with depth cues.
B)His actual size.
C)His relative size.
D)Neurophysiological reactions.

The apparent size of an object in a display is judged on the basis of which of the following?
A)Visual angles
B)Actual size
C)Depth cues
D)Relative size

Depth cues regarding the size of an object, such as the man in the distance, are based on activity of the:

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