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Multiple Choice Quiz
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_____ states that it is harder to tell the difference between two stimuli at higher levels of intensity than at lower levels of intensity:
A)The gate-control rule
B)Weber's law
C)The trichromatic phenomenon
D)Place theory

The _____ is the minimum amount of stimulation that is required to tell that two stimuli are not the same.
A)similarity disparity
B)just-noticeable difference
C)indifference threshold
D)incompatibility threshold

Weber's law explains this behavior.
A)Sabrina prefers a red car to a black car.
B)Monica would rather eat unsalted than salted peanut butter.
C)Jeff is constantly tapping his pencil against his desk during class.
D)Brad is distracted by even soft sounds while he tries to sleep.

What does Weber's law state?
A)The just-noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the magnitude of an initial stimulus.
B)Members of pairs of different visual receptor cells are linked to work in opposition to each other.
C)People are usually able to see more in a stimulus than they are willing to report.
D)The absolute threshold is lower than the relative threshold by a factor of 50 percent.

Curry Hicks notices that when she drives with headlights on during the daytime it makes no difference in the road's illumination, but it makes a big difference for her to have the lights on when she drives at night. She learns in her psychology class that this phenomenon is explained by _____.
A)the reuptake principle
B)Weber's law
C)opponent processes
D)the Parthenon effect

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