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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Dr. Croll believes that students who download music illegally from the Internet are likely to cheat on his psychology exams. He asks students to estimate how many songs that they have downloaded illegally in the last month, and then he observes how often they cheat during his exams. The number of downloaded songs is measured with a _____, and the frequency of cheating is measured with a _____.
A)self-report measure; behavioral assessment
B)behavioral assessment; self-report measure
C)projective test; behavioral assessment
D)self-report measure; projective test

Dr. Randall asks Kyle to complete a depression inventory, answering questions about how sad he has felt in recent weeks. She then asks him to look at a few pictures and to tell a story about what the characters may be thinking and doing. (The picture is otherwise ambiguous.) The depression inventory is an example of a _____, and the tell-a-story task is an example of a _____.
A)self-report measure; behavioral assessment
B)behavioral assessment; self-report measure
C)projective test; behavioral assessment
D)self-report measure; projective test

Dr. Webster, a psychotherapist, is treating Kelly for symptoms of schizophrenia. Dr. Webster asks Kelly to describe what she sees in a series of inkblots. Later, the psychotherapist observes the number and severity of Kelly's symptoms to see if they correlate with her score on the inkblot test. The inkblots are an example of a _____, and the number and severity of symptoms are measured with a _____.
A)self-report measure; behavioral assessment
B)behavioral assessment; self-report measure
C)projective test; behavioral assessment
D)self-report measure; projective test

The relationship between attitudes and a _____ is similar to the relationship between the unconscious and a _____.
A)self-report measure; behavioral assessment
B)behavioral assessment; self-report measure
C)projective test; behavioral assessment
D)self-report measure; projective test

Based on your knowledge of personality profiles, you would be correct to predict that there is a _____ correlation between the positivity of the profile's results and how likely people are to accept the results.

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