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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The idea that behavior is caused by factors outside the individual's control is least compatible with this perspective:

Bobbie can't help the fact that his grades are so poor in math. Neither of his parents was very good at math either. Which perspectives would assume that Bobbie's problems are due to 'nature'?
A)Neuroscience and psychodynamic
B)Psychodynamic and behavioral
C)Humanistic and psychodynamic
D)Neuroscience and humanistic

There is no such thing as an 'accident.' Which perspectives in psychology would agree with this statement?
A)Psychodynamic and neuroscience
B)Psychodynamic and behavioral
C)Cognitive and behavioral
D)Cognitive and humanistic

Bennie is arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol after having been caught at a speed of 85 miles an hour in a 55 mile-an-hour zone. A psychologist from which perspective would regard Bennie's behavior as a result of an unconscious desire to be caught rather than as a result of conscious awareness of breaking the law?

Which of the following statements is consistent with the 'nature' position in psychology?
A)Growing up in a home where the television was always on probably caused Amy to have such poor scores on her SAT's.
B)A.J. is so popular. It's no wonder when you consider how much his brothers and sisters helped him get through his teenage years.
C)If she had been given more practice in her gym classes, Bethany could have been a better golfer when she grew up.
D)Barbara has a temper just like that of her parents. It must run in the family.

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