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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Virginia Reston suffered an injury as a child that damaged her eardrum. Which aspect of her hearing is likely to be affected?
A)Hearing loud sounds.
B)Understanding word meanings.
C)Hearing faint sounds.
D)Detecting high-pitched sounds.

The place theory of hearing proposes that:
A)People have more difficulty hearing sounds at low frequencies.
B)We identify sounds based on what part of the cochlea is triggered.
C)Music at loud intensities can damage parts of the eardrum.
D)Cells in the auditory cortex only respond to certain intensities.

Dr. Kent Washington does research on hearing. He believes in the theory that the basilar membrane acts like a microphone, so that as it is hit by more sound waves per second, it registers a sound of higher pitch. The name of Dr. Washington's favorite hearing theory is called the ________ theory.

Louise thinks that she is a terrific singer because when she sings to herself in the car or the shower, her voice sounds on-key. However, her friends groan every time she steps up to the karaoke machine or tries to sing along with one of their favorite songs. Based on what we know about hearing, the reason Louise has this view of her singing and her friends do not is because:
A)Sounds inside the head are transmitted through airwaves.
B)We hear our voice through bone conduction and other sounds through the air.
C)Louise probably suffered some type of brain damage as a child.
D)The cochlea cannot process stimulation from within our head.

When hair cells are stimulated in the ________, they send signals to the brain that contain information about sound.
A)Semicircular canal
B)Auditory canal
C)Basilar membrane
D)Gustatory surface

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