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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Fred masturbates eight or ten times a day. If the average for a man of Fred's age were two or three times a week, what criterion would be used to classify Fred's behavior as abnormal?
A)Deviation from the ideal.
B)Deviation from the average.
C)Deviation from the desirable.
D)Deviation from the proper.

Shannon's mother criticizes her for being sexually active with her boyfriend, but accepts the fact that Shannon's younger brother has already slept with at least five or six young women. Shannon's mother is behaving according to the:
A)Sexist principle.
B)Triple standard.
C)Double standard.
D)Sexual continuum.

Which of the following statements about intercourse in marriage is true?
A)The majority of married older adults no longer engage in intercourse.
B)Nearly 90% of married couples engage in intercourse two or three times a week.
C)Most married people have had at least one extramarital affair.
D)Approximately 40% of married couples have intercourse a few times a month.

Sam and Sandy are identical twins who were adopted by separate families. Both of them developed a homosexual orientation. The fact that they shared this orientation despite growing up in different households supports which explanation of sexual orientation?

Critics of learning theory point out a flaw in the theory with regard to the fact that:
A)Homosexuality is discriminated against.
B)Genetics have been proven to determine sexual orientation.
C)Homosexuals do not experience strong sexual feelings.
D)Researchers have found that family dynamics outweigh learning.

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