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Multiple Choice Quiz
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An "attribution" is defined by social psychologists as:
A)a person's belief in a set of values.
B)the tendency to see oneself as the central agent in a situation.
C)a desire to engage in pro-social behaviors.
D)an inference about the cause of someone's behavior.

The fundamental attribution error refers to which of the following tendencies that people have when judging the causes of behavior?
A)The frustration that Therese feels when she is unable to achieve a desired goal because of the interference of someone else.
B)Tina's blaming the situation when she makes a mistake and blaming others' personal faults when they make a mistake.
C)Marcie's learning to behave aggressively after she sees someone else being rewarded for similar aggressive behavior.
D)Nicole's telling herself that an item she paid too much for was really worth the extra money even though it really was not.

Beyonce has decided that situational rather than dispositional factors are the cause of her friend's irritability. This means that Beyonce regards her friend's irritability as caused, for example, by:
A)innate personality traits.
B)lack of stability in her sense of self.
C)stress and pressure from her schoolwork.
D)an unwillingness to be nice to other people.

Which type of attribution is involved in deciding that someone's behavior is due to outside factors?

You and your friend have just missed your plane to Florida on spring break because she was late getting the two of you to the airport due to unexpected traffic. If you were making the fundamental attribution error, what would you say to her?
A)"You can never get anywhere on time, you're just a procrastinator."
B)"It was a shame that there was so much traffic."
C)"It's my fault, because I took too long packing my bags."
D)"Don't worry, we'll get the next plane."

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