"Critical Thinking in Criminal Justice" again returns to this edition at the end of every chapter. Students analyze the material presented, look for possible biases, and think about whether some of the things they see in media reports make sense or are contrary to logic. In Chapter 1 some suggestions for thinking critically are presented, and in later chapters a variety of areas for critical thinking are examined.
International Perspectives on Crime and Justice (examples include marital rights in the Muslim world, honor killings as a cultural tradition, HIV/AIDS among prisoners around the world, and the growing population of Russian street children), Gender Perspectives on Crime and Justice (examples include warrantless vaginal cavity searches, rape shield laws, and the use of postpartum depression as the basis of a legal defense), Drugs, Crime, and Justice (examples include the Supreme Court, Bostick, and the War on Drugs and the drug courts movement), Victims and Justice, and Careers in Criminal Justice boxed exhibits are especially popular among students because of their relevance and content.
The end-of-chapter materials offer opportunities for study and review. The Op-Ed feature revisits the chapter opening story and asks the reader to reflect on this current issue in light of the chapter information. The chapter Summary gives students a quick review of the basic principles of the chapter and allows them to focus on understanding one point at a time. Key Terms help with the study of vocabulary and concepts presented in the chapter. These terms are shown in boldface where they are defined in the chapter. Issues for Discussion encourage students to think critically about the chapter and will help them study for exams. Media Resources include listings of Web sites, articles, and/or books where students can find additional information on the subject matter covered in the text and references to Reel Justice Interactive Movie CD-ROM.
A bound-in passcard gives students access to PowerWeb on the text's Online Learning Center Website, that includes refeered articles about criminal justice from current research journals and the popular press, curriculum-based materials, weekly updates with assessment, research tools, refereed web links, student study tools, interactive exercises, and more.
An optional package with Reel Justice Interactive Movie on CD-ROM combines the text with a breakthrough learning tool. Students take on the role of a police officer and influence key plot turns by making choices as they investigate a domestic violence incident in a college town. Students explore a wide variety of criminal justice issues firsthand and master course content more completely. Reel Justice topics and scenes are referenced in the text at the end of appropriate chapters.
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