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Learning Objectives
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After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Place 3-D modeling in a historical perspective.

2. Understand the terminology used in 3-D modeling.

3. Define the most common types of 3-D modeling systems.

4. Apply Boolean operations to 3-D objects.

5. Understand how constraint-based and feature-based modeling affects 3-D modeling strategy.

6. Apply common construction techniques used in building models.

7. Apply generalized sweeps to the creation of model features.

8. Apply construction geometry in the support of feature creation.

9. Understand how feature order affects feature editing and final model geometry.

10. Apply feature duplication and geometric transformations to build part and assembly models.

11. Understand the role that projection theory plays in displaying 3-D models on the computer screen.

12. Define the ways that 3-D modeling integrates into the design process.

13. Compare 2-D CAD with 3-D CAD.

14. Develop assembly models using part models and existing assembly models.

15. Define the different types of analysis that can be performed on a 3-D model.

16. Generate 2-D documentation from a 3-D model.

17. Define different data exchange standards.

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