|  |  People may be considered abnormal even if their behavior does not harm them according to the: |
|  | A) | maladaptiveness criterion. |
|  | B) | unusualness criterion. |
|  | C) | cultural relativism criterion. |
|  | D) | discomfort criterion. |
|  |  The cultural relativism criterion argues that: |
|  | A) | what is considered abnormal varies by the culture in which one lives. |
|  | B) | what is considered abnormal should be left up to culture so that people can be controlled. |
|  | C) | some groups, such as gay men and lesbians, do not find their behavior distressing. |
|  | D) | someone still has to decide how rare a behavior must be for it to be called abnormal. |
|  |  Homosexuality is no longer regarded as a psychological disorder in part due to the: |
|  | A) | maladaptiveness criterion. |
|  | B) | unusualness criterion. |
|  | C) | mental illness criterion. |
|  | D) | discomfort criterion. |
|  |  Which of the following is not part of the maladaptiveness criterion? |
|  | A) | The behaviors are ones that the person wishes to be rid of. |
|  | B) | The behaviors are physically damaging to the individual. |
|  | C) | The behaviors suggest that the individual has lost touch with reality and cannot control |
|  | D) | thoughts and behaviors. |
|  | E) | The behaviors interfere with the person's ability to function in daily life. |
|  |  The idea that the flowing of "vital air" onto specific body organs was espoused by the: |
|  | A) | Hebrews. |
|  | B) | Greeks. |
|  | C) | Egyptians. |
|  | D) | Chinese. |
|  |  The Egyptians used to believe that a woman's "wandering uterus" was responsible for: |
|  | A) | hysteria. |
|  | B) | witchcraft and obscene behavior. |
|  | C) | tarantism. |
|  | D) | melancholia. |
|  |  The Egyptians: |
|  | A) | first drew the distinction between madness and witchcraft. |
|  | B) | assigned mental functioning to the brain. |
|  | C) | developed effective biological treatments for mental disorders. |
|  | D) | developed the first true systematic classification system of mental disorders. |
|  |  According to Greek physicians, such as Hippocrates, psychological problems were due to: |
|  | A) | an imbalance of four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile). |
|  | B) | afflictions from the gods. |
|  | C) | vital air blowing on specific body organs. |
|  | D) | moral vice and sloth. |
|  |  Which of the following writings viewed mental illness as a punishment from God? |
|  | A) | A Mind that Found Itself |
|  | B) | The Deception of Dreams |
|  | C) | Papyrus Ebers |
|  | D) | The Old Testament |
|  |  Plato argued that mental illness resulted from: |
|  | A) | an imbalance of four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile). |
|  | B) | a wandering uterus. |
|  | C) | impulse, passion, and appetite. |
|  | D) | vital air blowing on specific body organs. |
|  |  Which statement best characterizes the beliefs of the moral treatment movement? |
|  | A) | Mental disorders result from blasphemy and the abandonment of religion: the purpose of treatment is to restore people's morality so that they might function again. |
|  | B) | Mental disorders result from natural causes and should be treated biologically. |
|  | C) | Mental disorders result from the separation of people from nature and the stresses of rapid social change. |
|  | D) | Hospitals should isolate mentally ill people to keep their immorality from afflicting the general populace. |
|  |  The moral treatment movement collapsed toward the end of the nineteenth century because: |
|  | A) | patients experienced little improvement even under the improved conditions. |
|  | B) | the expansion of asylums created a shortage of personnel and resources. |
|  | C) | biological treatments were developed and were considered more effective. |
|  | D) | fewer patients were being admitted to asylums. |
|  |  Ivan Pavlov's work in the area of _____ _____ led psychologist John Watson to reject psychoanalytic and biological theories as an explanation for phobias. |
|  | A) | operant conditioning |
|  | B) | classical conditioning |
|  | C) | cognitive psychology |
|  | D) | mental hygiene |
|  |  Which movement promoted the idea that mental disorders were medical diseases and should be treated biologically? |
|  | A) | moral treatment movement |
|  | B) | mental hygiene movement |
|  | C) | behaviorism movement |
|  | D) | cognitive movement |
|  |  The discovery that syphilis could cause general paresis led to the: |
|  | A) | moral treatment movement. |
|  | B) | development of psychoanalysis. |
|  | C) | development of a comprehensive classification system. |
|  | D) | belief that biological factors can cause mental illness. |
|  |  Who developed the first experimental psychology laboratory? |
|  | A) | Wundt |
|  | B) | Hippocrates |
|  | C) | Freud |
|  | D) | Weyer |
|  |  Hypnosis is a technique that was developed as a component of: |
|  | A) | classical conditioning. |
|  | B) | psychoanalysis. |
|  | C) | mesmerism. |
|  | D) | cognitive therapy. |
|  |  Who developed a classification system for mental disorders that remains highly influential today? |
|  | A) | Hippocrates |
|  | B) | Emil Kraepelin |
|  | C) | Willhelm Wundt |
|  | D) | E.L. Thorndike |
|  |  The finding that behaviors followed by positive consequences were more likely to be repeated than behaviors followed by negative consequences is known as: |
|  | A) | psychoanalysis. |
|  | B) | classical conditioning. |
|  | C) | operant conditioning. |
|  | D) | behaviorism. |
|  |  Psychiatric medications can be prescribed by: |
|  | A) | psychiatrists only. |
|  | B) | psychiatrists and some clinical psychologists. |
|  | C) | clinical psychologists only. |
|  | D) | social workers and psychiatrists. |