|  |  Which of the following conditions is more commonly seen in the restricting type of anorexia as opposed to the binge-purge type? |
|  | A) | problems with unstable moods |
|  | B) | deep mistrust of others |
|  | C) | alcohol and drug abuse |
|  | D) | self-mutilation |
|  |  Approximately _____ percent of people diagnosed with anorexia nervosa are women. |
|  | A) | 90 |
|  | B) | 70 |
|  | C) | 50 |
|  | D) | 25 |
|  |  All of the following are diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa except: |
|  | A) | intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. |
|  | B) | absence of at least three menstrual cycles (in women who have reached menarche). |
|  | C) | refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for one's age and height. |
|  | D) | recurrent inappropriate behaviors to prevent weight gain. |
|  |  Which of the following is a known difference in the presentation of anorexia nervosa in Asian cultures, compared to American and European cultures? |
|  | A) | Asians with anorexia nervosa are more preoccupied with the amount of food they eat than Americans or Europeans with anorexia. |
|  | B) | Asians with anorexia nervosa are more commonly restricted types, whereas more Americans and Europeans are binge/purge types. |
|  | C) | Asians with anorexia nervosa do not have the distorted body images that are characteristic of American and European anorexia patients and will often admit that they are thin. |
|  | D) | More men than women have anorexia nervosa in Asian cultures. |
|  |  The death rate among people with anorexia is: |
|  | A) | less than 3 percent. |
|  | B) | between 5 and 8 percent. |
|  | C) | between 10 and 15 percent. |
|  | D) | over 30 percent. |
|  |  Which of the following is not included in the DSM-IV definition of a binge? |
|  | A) | A binge includes a feeling of a lack of control over one's eating. |
|  | B) | A binge occurs over a discrete period of time. |
|  | C) | A binge includes eating an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat under similar circumstances. |
|  | D) | A binge must include a minimum of 1,500 calories. |
|  |  The criteria for binge/purge anorexia require that a person be at least _____ percent below normal body weight. |
|  | A) | 10 |
|  | B) | 15 |
|  | C) | 20 |
|  | D) | 25 |
|  |  Which of the following statements about bulimia is false? |
|  | A) | The onset of bulimia most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 29. |
|  | B) | People with bulimia are usually severely underweight. |
|  | C) | Bulimia is more common in women than in men. |
|  | D) | Bulimia tends to be a chronic condition. |
|  |  Which of the following eating disorders does not involve binge eating? |
|  | A) | bulimia (purging type) |
|  | B) | bulimia (non-purging type) |
|  | C) | anorexia (binge-purge type) |
|  | D) | anorexia (restricting type) |
|  |  The prevalence of bulimia nervosa: |
|  | A) | varies substantially across cultures. |
|  | B) | does not vary significantly across historical time. |
|  | C) | does not include data from "non-Westernized" cultures. |
|  | D) | has decreased over the past fifty years. |
|  |  A person with binge-eating disorder: |
|  | A) | engages regularly in purging. |
|  | B) | engages regularly in excessive exercise. |
|  | C) | does not engage in behaviors designed to prevent weight gain. |
|  | D) | does not engage in discrete binges on large amounts of food. |
|  |  A brain area thought to be involved in eating disorders is the: |
|  | A) | hippocampus. |
|  | B) | thalamus. |
|  | C) | hypothalamus. |
|  | D) | amygdala. |
|  |  People with anorexia nervosa show abnormalities in the levels or regulation of: |
|  | A) | GABA neurons. |
|  | B) | norepinephrine. |
|  | C) | serotonin. |
|  | D) | cortisol. |
|  |  Eating disorders are more common among: |
|  | A) | Hispanics. |
|  | B) | Caucasians. |
|  | C) | people of lower socioeconomic status. |
|  | D) | African Americans. |
|  |  Women with the depressive subtype of disordered eating patterns: |
|  | A) | are likely to suffer from significant psychiatric disorders. |
|  | B) | respond extremely well to treatment. |
|  | C) | have fewer relationship difficulties than women with the dieting subtype of disordered eating patterns. |
|  | D) | rarely develop a full-blown major depression. |
|  |  Eating disorders are more common in females than in males due to the fact that: |
|  | A) | men are more involved in athletics than females. |
|  | B) | men are less interested in fitness than females. |
|  | C) | thinness is more valued in females than in males. |
|  | D) | females are less active than males and therefore are generally more apt to have histories of being overweight. |
|  |  Which of the following is not an aspect of Hilde Bruch's theory of eating disorders? |
|  | A) | Girls develop eating disorders because they have parents who expect them to be "modern woman" but also to conform to traditional female roles. These girls strive to be perfect in all ways but eventually want to "drop out of the race" and be taken care of, which is facilitated by having an eating disorder. |
|  | B) | Girls who develop eating disorders have parents who are over-invested in their daughters' compliance and achievements, who are over-controlling, and who will not allow the expression of negative emotions. |
|  | C) | Because of the parenting they receive, girls with eating disorders learn to monitor closely the needs and desires of others and to comply with others' demands. |
|  | D) | Because of the parenting they receive, girls with eating disorders have fundamental deficits in their sense of self and identity; they do not accurately identify their own feelings and desires, and thus do not cope appropriately with distress. |
|  |  In treating anorexia, behavior therapies: |
|  | A) | have low relapse rates. |
|  | B) | benefit the majority of anorexic patients. |
|  | C) | have proven ineffective. |
|  | D) | involve the entire family unit. |
|  |  The treatment for bulimia that has received the most empirical support is: |
|  | A) | interpersonal therapy. |
|  | B) | supportive-expressive psychodynamic therapy. |
|  | C) | behavior therapy. |
|  | D) | cognitive-behavioral therapy. |
|  |  Tricyclic antidepressants are: |
|  | A) | an effective treatment for anorexia. |
|  | B) | not typically prescribed because they require severe dietary restrictions to prevent dangerous side effects. |
|  | C) | effective in treating binge eating and vomiting. |
|  | D) | effective in treating severe dieting. |