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Chapter Overview
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There are six reasons or imperatives for studying intercultural communication:
  • The technological imperative gives us increasing information, increased contact with people who are similar and different from us. Increased use of communication technology also raises questions about identity and access to these technologies.
  • The demographic imperative includes the changing domestic and international migration—raising questions of class and religious diversity.
  • The economic imperative highlights issues of globalization and the challenges for increased cultural understanding needed to reach the global market.
  • The peace imperative involves working through issues of colonialism, economic disparities, and racial, ethnic, and religious differences.
  • The self-awareness imperative involves increasing understanding of our own location in larger social, political, and historical contexts.
  • The ethical imperative calls for an understanding of the universalist, relativist, and dialogic approach to ethical issues.
  • Being an ethical student of culture involves developing self-reflexivity, learning about others, and developing a sense of social justice and responsibility.

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