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Chapter Overview
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  • There are six dialectics of intercultural relationships: personal-contextual, differences-similarities, cultural-individual, privilege-disadvantage, staticdynamic, and history/past–present /future.
  • Through relationships, we acquire specific and general knowledge, break stereotypes, and acquire new skills.
  • Special challenges of intercultural relationships include coping with differences, tending to stereotype, dealing with anxiety, and having to explain ourselves to others.
  • There are three communication approaches to understanding intercultural relationships: social science, interpretive, and critical.
  • The social science approach emphasizes the individual role in relationships and identifies various cross-cultural differences in notions of friendship and how relationships are developed and maintained.
  • The interpretive perspective provides in-depth descriptions of various types of intercultural relationships.
  • Intercultural relationships often include competence, similarity, involvement, and turning points.
  • Online relationships are both similar to and different from RL (real-life) relationships. Language and communication-style differences can be exacerbated in online communication.
  • Relationships at work are characterized by hierarchy and sometimes varying attitudes toward power.
  • In gay and lesbian relationships, friendship and sexual involvement are not mutually exclusive.
  • Intercultural dating and marriage are increasingly common; however, interracial relationships are still often disapproved of by families and by society.
  • Intercultural marriages face challenges of family and societal disapproval and issues of child rearing.
  • The critical perspective emphasizes the role of institutions, politics, and history in intercultural relationships.
  • Family, schools, and religious institutions can either hinder or discourage intercultural relationships.

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