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Chapter Overview
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  • Langue refers to the system of language, whereas parole refers to its specific use.
  • The components of semiotics are the signifier, signified, sign, and myth.
  • The four components of language are semantics (the study of meaning), syntactics (the study of structure or grammar), pragmatics (the study of how meaning is constructed in relation to receivers), and phonetics (the study of the sound system of language).
  • There are different positions on the relationship between language and our perceptions. The nominalist position feels that our perception is not shaped by the language we speak. The relativist position argues that our perception is determined by the language we speak. The qualified relativist position argues that language influences how we perceive.
  • Communication styles can be high context or low context, use more direct or indirect styles, more elaborate or understated styles.
  • Co-cultural groups may use one of three orientations to dealing with dominant groups—assimilation, accommodation, or separation. Within each of these approaches are nonassertive, assertive, and aggressive strategies. Each of these strategies comes with benefits and costs to the cocultural individual.
  • We use language from our social positions, and the power of our language use and labels comes from that social position.
  • People can be bilingual or multilingual, and they may engage in code switching or changing languages in different situations, depending on the contexts.
  • Translation refers to expressing what was said in another language in a written text. Interpretation is the same process but is oral rather than written.
  • Language policies are instituted with different goals. Sometimes language policies are meant to encourage assimilation into a language and national identity. Sometimes language policies are meant to provide protection to minority languages. Sometimes language policies regulate language use in different parts of a nation.
  • Globalization has meant that English has become more important worldwide but also has created other intercultural communication conflicts.

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