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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The biggest contribution of uses and gratifications research is that:
A)the media set agendas
B)cultivation does not occur in a vacuum
C)many factors contribute to the ultimate impact of mass communication
D)the hypodermic needle theory of media effects is probably correct
Television viewers who tend to be more active and selective are called:
Research concerning the political impact of the media demonstrates:
A)the hypodermic needle theory
B)the limited-effects theory
C)the specific-effects theory
Research in the area of television and learning generally suggests that:
A)heavy TV viewing has an enormous effect on IQ
B)heavy TV viewing negatively impacts scholastic achievement
C)heavy TV viewing has a small, adverse effect on IQ
D)heavy TV viewing has no effect on scholastic achievement
Greater voter participation was found to be related to:
A)television viewing
B)radio listening
C)print readership
D)subscription to cable
The presence of cultivation depends on which of the following?
A)the motivation for viewing
B)experience with the topic
C)perceived realism of the content
D)all the above
The fact that some individuals have difficulty in separating the television world from the real world is the focus of the:
A)specific-effects theory
B)cultivation theory
C)limited effects theory
D)manifestation theory
One of the leaders in exploring the cultivation theory is:
A)Joseph Klapper
B)the Canadian government
C)George Gerbner
D)the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
Though field experiments provide some basis for determining cause and effect, they suffer from:
A)lack of credibility
B)lack of control
C)lack of reliability
D)lack of predictability
Joseph Klapper's book, The Effects of Mass Communication, suggested that:
A)the mass media have no effect on behavior
B)the mass media tends to reinforce existing conditions
C)the mass media is a one-way, sender/receiver mechanism
D)there are no mediated messages from the mass media

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