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Conjunctive adverbs  Adverbs that function as connectors and show a relationship between two independent clauses of equal weight.
Coping strategies  Plans or methods for dealing with problems or responsibilities.
Correlative conjunctions  Words such as neither/nor or not only/but also that appear in pairs and join words, phrases, and sentences of equal importance.
Cynicism  A distrustful, pessimistic disposition.
Flextime  A work environment in which each employee chooses his or her own hours of work (within designated limits).
Hassles  Irritations.
Information overload  Too much information is received to be able to effectively sort or use.
Irritability  Easily annoyed.
Parallelism  The linking together of similar grammatical parts in a sentence.
Stress  Emotional tension caused by everyday events in our lives.
Tension  Mental or emotional strain.

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