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22.1 General Biology of Protists
  • Endosymbiosis played a role in the origin of the eukaryotic cell.
  • The Protists are largely unicellular, but are quite varied in structure and life cycle.
  • Classification of protists has not been determined, but they can be grouped according to nutrition.
  1. What characteristics are not present in Protists that prevents them from being classified in the other eukaryotic kingdoms?
  2. What characteristic does your text use to group Protists into phyla?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Protists are classified in the domain Eukarya and the kingdom Protista
  2. The endosymbiotic hypothesis explains how the eukaryotic cells arose
  3. Ecological importance
  4. Classification of Protists
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22.2 Diversity of Protists
  • The green algae, the red algae, and the brown algae are protists. All of these have chlorophyll a and photosynthesize.
  • Diatoms are unicellular with a two-piece construction of the cell wall.
  • The dinoflagellates, the euglenoids, and the zooflagellates all have flagella.
  • Diatoms and dinoflagellates are important producers in marine ecosystems.
  • The amoeboids, the foraminiferans, and the actinopods use pseudopods for locomotion.
  • The sporozoans are nonmotile spore-forming parasites that cause significant human illnesses.
  • Slime molds include the plasmodial and the cellular slime molds. Water molds are also protists. Both have ecological importance.
  1. Lichens are an association of ___________ and ______________.
  2. Distinguish between the arrangement of cells in filamentous and colonial green algae.
  3. Large, complex green, red, and brown algae are called ______________.
  4. Protists reproduce both asexually and sexually. Under what general environmental conditions is each type of reproduction likely?
  5. Heterotrophic, colorless Protists that have flagella and live symbiotically or as parasites are called what?
  6. What are phytoplankton and zooplankton?
  7. Which phylum of Protists contains the greatest number of species?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. The algae
  2. The green algae
  3. Flagellated green algae
  4. Filamentous green algae
  5. Multicellular green algae
  6. Colonial green algae
  7. Red algae
  8. Brown algae
  9. The diatoms
  10. The flagellates
  11. Euglenoids
  12. Ameboids
  13. The zooflagellates
  14. The ciliates
  15. The sporozoans
  16. Slime molds
  17. Water molds
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