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24.1 Evolutionary History of Plants
  • The green algae, ancestors of plants, are adapted to living in water while plants are adapted to living on land.
  • Plants have a life cycle in which two multicellular forms alternate. One is the gametophyte (produces gametes) and another is the sporophyte (produces spores).
  • During the evolution of plants, the gametophyte became reduced and dependent on the sporophyte.
  1. What are the characteristics of plants?
  2. What is the major difference between vascular and non-vascular plants?
  3. What is a seed and what is its function?
  4. Flowers give rise to what structure?
  5. What is the ploidy level of a sporophyte, what does it produce, what process is used, and what ploidy level is the product?
  6. What is the ploidy level of a gametophyte, what does it produce, what process is used, and what ploidy level is the product?
  7. What type of life cycle is found in all plants?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Characteristics of plants (kingdom Plantae)
  2. Relationship to algae
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24.2 Nonvascular Plants
  • In the nonvascular plants neither the dominant gametophyte nor the dependent sporophyte has well-developed conducting tissues.
  • The life cycle of a moss demonstrates reproductive strategies such as flagellated sperm and dispersal by spores.
  1. What is the dominant generation in the life cycle of bryophytes?
  2. Flagellated sperm of bryophytes depend on the presence of ___________ to reach the eggs.
  3. Where does the sporophyte of bryophytes develop and how are the spores dispersed?
  4. What are the three main classifications of bryophytes?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Characteristics
  2. Liverworts
  3. Mosses
  4. Uses of nonvascular plants
  5. Adaptation of nonvascular plants
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24.3 Vascular Plants
  • Vascular plants included the seedless vascular plants and the seed plants.
  • The dominant sporophyte usually has vascular tissue for conducting water and minerals (xylem) and vascular tissue (phloem) for conducting sucrose and hormones in the plant body.
  1. What substances do xylem and phloem conduct through the plant?
  2. What is the difference between homosporous and heterosporous and what types of plant are each found in?
Summaries of major points:
  1. Vascular tissue
  2. Organs of vascular plants
  3. Life cycle of vascular plants
  4. Reproduction in vascular plants
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24.4 Seedless Vascular Plants
  • In the seedless vascular plants, the gametophyte is usually dependent and lacks vascular tissue.
  • The life cycle of a fern demonstrates reproductive strategies of most seedless vascular plants, such as flagellated sperm and dispersal by spores.
  1. Why are the leaves of club moss referred to as microphylls?
  2. What is contained in the cell walls of horsetails that make them rigid?
  3. What are megaphylls and which is the only group of seedless vascular plants to have them?
  4. What is the dominant generation of the ferns and fern allies?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Seedless vascular plants
  2. Evolutionary history
  3. Psilophytes
  4. Club mosses
  5. Horsetails
  6. Ferns
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24.5 Seed Plants
  • Seeds, which protect, nourish, and disperse sporophyte offspring, have great survival value.
  • Seed plants produce microspores and megaspores. The megaspore develops into the dependent egg-bearing female gametophyte. The microspore becomes the sperm-bearing pollen grain, which is transported by various means to the vicinity of the female gametophyte.
  1. What is the function of the seed coat and stored food within the seed?
  2. What is pollination?
  3. What are the two major groups of seed-producing plants and what is the main difference between them?
24.6 Gymnosperms
  • In gymnosperms, the ovule is exposed on the surface of a female cone scale.
  • The life cycle of a pine demonstrates the reproductive adaptations of gymnosperms.
  • Many gymnosperms are cone-bearing plants.
  1. What are the four groups of living gymnosperms?
  2. What adaptations allow conifers to live in drier habitats?
  3. What is the dominant generation of gymnosperms?
  4. What is the function of the cones found in gymnosperms?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. The life cycle of seed plants
  2. Gymnosperm diversity
  3. Conifers
  4. Cycads
  5. Ginkgo trees
  6. Gnetophytes
  7. Uses of gymnosperms
  8. Adaptation of gymnosperms
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24.7 Angiosperms
  • The flower is the reproductive structure of angiosperms.
  • In angiosperms, the ovule (becomes the seed) is completely enclosed within sporophyte tissue and is eventually covered by fruit.
  • Much of the diversity among flowers comes from specialization for certain pollinators.
  1. What are the functions of the sepals and corolla of flowers?
  2. What are the parts of the stamen and what is the function of each?
  3. What are the parts of the carpel and what is the function of each?
  4. What are the two types of spores produced by angiosperms and what is produced by each?
  5. What happens during double fertilization and what is the result?
  6. What part of the flower produces fruit and what are the main functions of fruit?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Angiosperms are flowering plants
  2. Origin and evolution of angiosperms
  3. Classification of flowering plants
  4. The flower
  5. Life cycle of a flowering plant
  6. Flowers and diversification
  7. Uses of angiosperms
  8. Adaptations of angiosperms
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