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30.1 A coelom
  • A coelom has many advantages: the digestive system can become more complex, coelomic fluid assists body processes and acts as a hydrostatic skeleton.
  • In protostomes, the mouth appears at or near the blastopore, the first embryonic opening, and the coelom develops by a splitting of the mesoderm.
  1. What are the characteristics of protostomes?
  2. What are some advantages of having a true coelom?
  3. What does it mean to have determinate or indeterminate cells?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Protostome organization
  2. Coelomates are protostomes and deuterostomes
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30.2 Molluscs
  • The body of a mollusc typically contains a visceral mass, a mantle, and a foot.
  • Clams are adapted to a sedentary coastal life, squids to an active life in the sea, and snails are adapted to a life on land.
  1. What are the three parts of the mollusc body plan?
  2. What structures develop from the mantle?
  3. What class of molluscs has a two-part, hinged shell, and no head?
  4. How do bivalves obtain food?
  5. How do cephalopods obtain food?
  6. What type of circulatory system do squids have?
  7. What animals are included in the class of gastropods and in what habitat do most of them live?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Over 110,000 living species of molluscs belong to the phylum Mollusca
  2. Bivalves
  3. Cephalopods
  4. Gastropods
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30.3 Annelids
  • Annelids are the segmented worms with a well-developed coelom, a closed circulatory system, a ventral solid nerve cord, and paired nephridia in each segment.
  • Polychaetes include marine predators with a definite head region, and filter feeders with terminal tentacles to filter food from the water.
  • Oligochaetes include the earthworms that burrow in the soil and use a moist body wall as a respiratory organ.
  1. The coelom of annelids is partitioned into segments by _____________.
  2. What type of skeleton do annelids have?
  3. What are nephridia?
  4. How do annelids feed?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Segmented worms
  2. Marine worms
  3. Earthworms
  4. Leeches
Art Review
30.4 Arthropods
  • Arthropods are segmented with specialized body regions and an external skeleton that includes jointed appendages.
  • Among the many kinds of arthropods, crustaceans are adapted to a life at sea, and insects are adapted to a terrestrial existence.
  1. What is the exoskeleton of arthropods made from and what is the major disadvantage of a hardened exoskeleton?
  2. What is metamorphosis and what advantage does it give arthropods?
  3. What element is added to the exoskeleton of crustaceans that makes them harder?
  4. What are the three main body regions of arthropods and what is a cephalothorax?
  5. What type of circulatory system do arthropods have?
  6. What are the characteristics of uniramians?
  7. What is the advantage of excreting nitrogenous waste as solid uric acid?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points:
  1. Arthropods have jointed appendages
  2. Crustacea
  3. Uniramians
  4. Insects
  5. Centipedes and millipedes
  6. Chelicerates
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