(2.0K) for information call 1-888-858-7305. | McGraw-Hill and Aplia are working together to bring you problem sets, news analyses, math tutorials, and online experiments to help you increase student effort and drive greater understanding and success in your course. Student Problem Sets Aplia makes it easy to assign frequent homework problems that fit your textbook and teaching style. With auto-grading, Aplia creates an incentive system that rewards students and encourages them to work outside the classroom. |
Interactive Tools and Experiments Aplia focuses on active learning with innovative graphing tools and experiments. The Aplia software helps create multiple learning paths so that all students remain engaged and challenged. Frequent practice throughout the course leads to greater understanding and success for all students . Real-time, online market interactions help students learn key economic concepts for both the Micro and Macro courses. News Analyses
Aplia encourages real-world applications of economic concepts through assignments called news analyses . These assignments contain regularly updated articles focused on core economics concepts with auto-graded problems, an article summary, and discussion questions. Homework Management Aplia takes care of the basics so you can spend more time responding to questions, leading discussions, and challenging your students. Auto-graded assignments and instant online reports allow you to manage your course more effectively. Reduce your paper flow and automate grading, feedback, and record keeping. Construct your own course website with just a few easy steps. Key Features Include - Automatically graded homework problems
- Interactive graphing tools and experiments
- Carefully constructed feedback
- Companion practice sets
- Instant online reports of student performance
Customer Service An Aplia representative will partner with you to ensure you and your students have a valuable experience using the Aplia teaching tools. Aplia is committed to providing personalized, high-quality customer service that's quick, friendly, and knowledgeable. Want to know more? Call 1-888-858-7305, e-mail sales@aplia.com, or visit Aplia's web site for additional information. |