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Quiz 1
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If the real GDP of a DVC increases from $500 billion to $540 billion and its population increases from 400 million to 450 million, its real per capital GDP will have:
A)remained unchanged
B)decreased by $50
C)decreased by $20
D)increased by $50
The labor sector of most DVCs is characterized by all of the following, except:
A)low educational levels
B)low labor productivity
C)a large percentage in the agricultural sector
D)high rates of migration from urban to rural areas
Technology transfers from IACs have limited ability to improve incomes in the poorest DVCs because:
A)most IAC technology is labor-saving; DVCs often require capital-saving technology
B)international law prohibits the export of advanced technology
C)most IAC technology is capital-saving; DVCs often require labor-saving technology
D)many DVCs have nontraditional economies that require a faster rate of change than new technology can provide
Economic growth will be promoted if policy-makers in a DVC:
A)discourage foreign direct investment
B)increase the rate of inflation as a method for financing more infrastructure
C)nationalize basic industries
D)open their economy to international trade
Which affiliate of the World Band makes "soft loans" to the poorest DVCs at very liberal terms?
A)The International Monetary Fund
B)The International Finance Corporation
C)The International Development Association
D)The U.S. Agency for International Development
Unlike the traditional view of the relationship between poverty and population growth, the demographic transition view holds that:
A)poverty and population growth are inversely correlated
B)greater population growth increases the tax base and results in more infrastructure
C)large families increase the capacity of households to save and invest
D)a falling birthrate is a consequence of rising incomes
Substantial migration into growing urban areas of DVCs has created substantial unemployment and underemployment.
While the U.S. has about 5% of the world's population, the comparable proportion for the world's low-income nations (2004 per capita income of $825 or less) is about:
Low-income DVCs are characterized by:
A)high saving rates
B)high rates of population growth
C)high rates of productivity growth
D)substantial underemployment but little unemployment
In 2003, foreign aid from IACs to DVCs:
A)averaged 0.25% of the GDP of the IACs
B)totaled over $5 trillion
C)consisted primarily of loans from the World Bank
D)was substantially higher than in 1990

McConnell, Macro 17e OLCOnline Learning Center

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