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Suppose that the 6 firms in an industry have market shares of 35%, 20%, 15%, 15%, 10%, and 5%.

  1. What is the four-firm concentration ratio in this industry?
  2. What is the Herfindahl index for this industry.
  3. Suppose another industry has a Herfindahl index of 4000. What can you conclude about the relative competitiveness of these two industries?


  1. The four firm concentration ratio is measured by the sum of the market shares of the four largest firms. In this example, the ratio is 85% = 35% + 20% + 15% + 15%.
  2. The Herfindahl index is computed as the sum of the squared market shares for all firms in the industry. In this example, the index is 2200 = 352 + 202 + 152 + 152 + 102 + 52.
  3. Larger index numbers correspond to more highly concentrated industries. Firms in the second industry are likely to have more market power.

McConnell, Microe 17e OLCOnline Learning Center

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