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Quiz 3
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Answer the next question on the basis of the following table showing the market shares of 6 firms in four hypothetical industries, labeled W through Z. Assume these are distinct industries with no buyer-seller relationships or competition among them.
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Refer to the table. A merger between firm 1 in industry W and firm 2 in industry Y would be a(n):
A)vertical merger
B)horizontal merger
C)illegal merger
D)conglomerate merger
Answer the next question on the basis of the following table showing the market shares of 6 firms in four hypothetical industries, labeled W through Z. Assume these are distinct industries with no buyer-seller relationships or competition among them.
<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/0073273090/384260/quiz30c_2.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (11.0K)</a>
Refer to the table. As measured by the Herfindahl index, industry concentration is greatest in industry:
Which of the following allows injured parties to collect triple damages from illegal monopolies?
A)Celler-Kefauver Act
B)Sherman Act
C)Wheeler-Lea Act
D)Clayton Act
Jones is a director of ABC Company and sits on the board of its competitor, the XYZ Company, effectively reducing competition in the industry. This activity was outlawed by the:
A)Sherman Act
B)Federal Trade Commission Act
C)Clayton Act
D)Wagner Act
A merger between Coca Cola and Pepsico would be an example of a:
A)vertical merger
B)horizontal merger
C)conglomerate merger
D)structural merger
The market shares of the only firms in a particular industry are 40%, 40%, and 30%. The Herfindahl index for this industry is:
Industries characterized as natural monopolies operate most efficiently with a single seller, yet a single seller is likely to engage in monopolistic practices. Government oversight in this situation is known as:
A)social regulation
B)bipartisan regulation
C)industrial regulation
D)legal cartel theory
Studies of the U.S. deregulation of the airline, trucking, and rail freight industries have revealed that:
A)prices have dropped by one third to one half, adjusted for inflation
B)industry output has decreased, adjusted for population growth
C)these industries have "remonopolized" as firms have either merged or gone out of business
D)deregulation ultimately harms consumers
Among other things, social regulation addresses:
A)pricing decisions by natural monopolies
B)mergers that lead to industry concentration
C)price discrimination
D)product design
The initial court ruling in the Microsoft case, overturned on appeal, called for breaking the firm into two competing companies.

McConnell, Microe 17e OLCOnline Learning Center

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