Presents a “sociological perspective” drawing on the reciprocal relationship between the social and the personal, everyday experiences of individuals helping students understand their own experiences in terms of social or environmental influences
Text focuses on a “constructionist perspective” explaining how we, as individuals, are vital contributors to our social structure - students can make a difference in existing elements of family
Offers a unique chapter, “Measuring Families” that provides students with an overview of theory and research as it applies to family and also answers the question of how sociologists go about answering questions regarding family experiences and helps students become critical consumers of this information.
Writing was carefully structured for the student using a very personal and direct approach that is engaging, incorporates his own experiences, and humorous
Includes images that are visually compelling and convey important information by painting provocative sociological portraits of family life and illustrating connections between family life and legal or policy issues
Each chapter begins with an anecdote—sometimes from current events and sometimes from the author’s life—that illustrates the key theme of that chapter
What Does it All Mean? sections appear at the end of each chapter: summarize chapter material and encourage critical thinking
Taking a Closer Look and Going Global sections provide an in-depth look at information presented in chapters and explores families from different cultures
See for Yourself exercises encourage students to study the “real world” as a sociologist through observational exercises, content analyses, and brief interviews
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