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Adjectives and Adverbs

Editing Exercises


Rewrite the following paragraph to correct problems with adjectives and adverbs. Also, eliminate problems with participles, adjectives made from verbs.

A uniquely philosophy and religion, Jainism arose in India in the sixth century BC Today about four million Jains live in various parts of the country. Translating as "spiritual conqueror," the name of the religion derives from the word jina, which was also the name of one of its ancient prophets and founders. Jainism began as a reaction to the practice of animal sacrifice in a Hindu early cult. Thus one of the fundamentalist doctrines of the faith is that no living animal should be harmed. Jains are extreme strict vegetarians: they do not destroy even the most small insects. Indeed, they maintain shelters where sick, dying, or injuring animals are cared for. Jains believe that only by living a life of asceticism and denial can one reach perfection. Through such behavior, they teach, one is able to liberate the soul from the cycle of rebirth and reach a state beyond the material world.
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Rewrite the following paragraph to correct problems with adjectives and adverbs. Also, eliminate problems with participles, adjectives made from verbs.

The Odyssey, compose more than 2,700 years ago, is the second of the great two epics (heroic long poems) about the Trojan War. History has given the name Homer to the creator of these poems, the first of which is the Iliad. These two works are, perhaps, the more well-known epics in all of literature. The Iliad tells the story of the sack of Troy by Greeks seekin revenge for the stealing of Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, by Paris, a prince of Troy. The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus, one of the Greek chiefs, and his decade-long, arduous journey home to Ithaca after the destruction of Troy. Experienced many strange adventures and meetin many interesting figures from mythology along the way, Odysseus has become a model for other literary characters who are forced to wander the world searched for family, love, happiness, and the meaning of life itself. Among the more terrifying adventures experience by Odysseus and his men was their meeting with Polyphemus, one of the Cyclops (one-eye giants), who were the sons of Poseidon, god of the sea, and of a sea nymph. After being wash ashore in Sicily, Odysseus and some of his men were captured by Polyphemus, who imprisoned them in his cave by rolling a boulder against the entrance. Each day, the monster vowed to eat two of the intruders alive. Even after having polish off six of the men, Polyphemus still seemed hunger for the young, tender flesh of the Greek warriors. Bein the most cleverest of all the Greek commanders, however, Odysseus careful devised a scheme to get his soldiers out of this near impossible predicament. After trickin the monster into drinking too much wine and gettin him complete drunk, Odysseus and his men drove a burning, sharp log into the giant's large single eye. Blinding the giant made it possible for the Greeks to escape quick and safe.
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Rewrite the following paragraph to correct problems with adjectives and adverbs. Also, eliminate problems with participles, adjectives made from verbs.

Cambodia, locate in Southeast Asia, is an ancient beautiful country famous for, among other things, its ornate, vast ceremonial architecture locating at Angkor. Angkor is the site of several capitals of the Khmer Empire, which for centuries ruled much of Southeast Asia—included Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. Yasovarman established the first capital at Angkor in the ninth century A.D. About 300 years later, Suryavarman II built a temple complex called Angkor Wat. The most famous tourist site in Cambodia, Angkor Wat still looks relatively well. It displays the influence of Hinduism, a religion that traveled to Southeast Asia from India. One of the world's more larger moats (it is about a mile long on each side) surrounds the complex. Design as protection from enemies, it provided a formidable obstacle to invaders, intruders, and other unwant visitors. Today, the temple can be reached only after one crosses a long beautiful causeway. Nearby, one can see the city of Angkor Thom, built by Jayavarman VII (1181-1218), which reflects an adherence to Buddhism quite clear. The city once had a population in the hundreds of thousands, but it was abandoned in the 15th century. In the years that followed, it became increasing overgrown with jungle and fell into ruins. Rediscover by the French explorer Henri Mouhot in 1861, Angkor is now visited by archeologists and tourists from around the world. In fact, an international effort has been launched only recent to preserve and restore the city's legacy.
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Rewrite the following paragraph to correct problems with adjectives and adverbs. Also, eliminate problems with participles, adjectives made from verbs.

Archimedes was born 287 B.C. in Syracuse, perhaps the most prosperousest of all the Greek ancient cities in Sicily. He was one of the most greatest scientists, mathematicians, and inventors of his age; in fact, he made significantly contributions to the development of engineering. Among his most important contributions are those in geometry and physics. Discovered a way to measure the volume of a sphere, he gave us principles that relate to modern calculus, a mathematical study develop nearly 2,000 years after his death. Archimedes' principle, the more famous of all his discoveries, is still used to calculate the weight of a body immersing in a liquid. Legend has it that he came upon this principle while taking a bath. So exciting was he that he sat up, jumped out of the tub, and ran around shouted "Eureka!" (ancient Greek for "I have found it"), but he never bothered to put on his clothes. One of his most important inventions is Archimedes' screw, which is still using today in some countries as a way to draw water. Archimedes died during the Roman invasion of his city in 212 B.C. An enemy soldier accosted him while he was solving a very mathematical knotty problem. The soldier got angry when Archimedes steadfast refused to go with the Roman until he had finished his work. Unfortunately, the soldier was unwilling to wait patient, and he executed the famous scientist on the spot.
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Rewrite the following paragraph to correct problems with adjectives and adverbs. Also, eliminate problems with participles, adjectives made from verbs.

The capital of Greece, Athens is a modern city dated from about 1337 A.D. However, ancient Athens, situating on the site upon which the present city is located, was found in the seventh century B.C. It was destroyed by the Persians under Xerxes in 480 B.C., but it was rebuilt by Pericles, who made it even more powerful and affluenter. Pericles, the Athenian ruler who ushered in the Golden Age, supported the arts, literature, and the study of philosophy to a level never before achieve. During this time, the city became a commercial and artistic center and one of the formidablest political powers of its day. The leader of a group of independent Greek city-states, Athens made civilization's serious first attempt at democracy. Today, because of the plays of Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, and Aristophanes, Athenians sure have the right to boast that their city gave birth to Western drama. They can also claim Athens as the birthplace of Western philosophy because of the enormous important legacy of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
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