Page xvii: second column, second-to-last sentence in the first paragraph should read: “Shawn Knabb of Western Washington University deserves a great thanks for updating the Instructor’s Manual as well as for accuracy checking the many parts making up the 18e and the ancillaries.” Page 39: Consider This… box, 9 th line: “ownser” should read “owner.” Page 267, first column, in the section titled “Debt and GDP,” third-from-last sentence, the percentage should be 30.6, not 13.6. Page 314: Second line, second column: “banks need to keep…” (add “to”). Page 323: Place the label “Q1 =” before “$880” in both figures c and d, and also place the label “Qf” before “= $900” in c. In the upside down answer key, change “2. d” to “2. a”. Page 324: Second column, last paragraph, first line should read: “What the Fed needs to do to achieve full employment is to move the AD curve back only from AD3 to AD4, …” Page 330, second column, second line: Should read “Fed purchases of U.S. securities…” Page 397, footnote 1: Change “American” to “ America.” |