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Updates and Errata
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Page xvii: second column, first sentence in the last paragraph should read: “Shawn Knabb of Western Washington University deserves a great thanks for updating the Instructor’s Manual as well as for accuracy checking the many parts making up the 18e and the ancillaries.”

Page 39: Consider This… box, 9 th line: “ownser” should read “owner.”

Page 231: Table 11.2: The duplicate entry “Electronic computers 85 2662” should be deleted from line 2, column 2 of the table (below Petrochemicals).

Page 232: First column, fourth line, the text should read: “…industry and the tire industry are similar: 76 and 77 percent.”

Page 302: Second column, third line above the “Future Value and Present Value” header, it should be “$1000 principal”, not “principle”.

Page 406: Second column, last paragraph, first sentence, the word should be “variability” instead of “variable”. Same location, third sentence, the word is “subsidies” and not “subsides”.

Page 473, footnote 1: Change “American” to “ America.”

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