Amir D. Aczel,
Boston University and University of New Hampshire Jayavel Sounderpandian,
University of Wisconsin—Parkside
ISBN: 0073373605 Copyright year: 2009
Feature Summary
New Features:
Incorporation of Minitab, including “how to” information in end of chapter computer sections.
Updated Excel software applications to 2007.
Added many new and updated problems and exercises throughout, many international in focus.
Added new cases and examples, updated others.
Now includes MegaStat® for Excel 2007, an Excel add-in compatible with both Excel 2007 and 2003.
Retained Features:
Thorough revision of Regression Chapters 10 and 11 to provide students with a simpler, software driven treatment of a difficult topic in business statistics and helps them learn to use Excel in complicated statistical applications.
Problems and Cases have been updated or replaced to reflect current issues in business.
Increased number of Excel Minicases to offer students practice in using Excel to solve statistical problems.
Diverse, real-world problems drawn from current sources, including finance, marketing and sales, government, sports, retail, real estate, etc. There is also a large contingent of international problems in the book.
Thorough Excel Integration, including Excel output and template solutions in text examples.
Bundled with Visual Statistics Software: This effective multimedia tool which teaches statistics using multimedia enhanced visuals, is packaged with the text, offering in-text exercises that link to the software. It is integrated to give students the opportunity to have concepts discussed in the text reinforced with graphic enhancement.
Summary review of terms at the ends of chapters in narrative style to remind students of what they covered and how it's all connected.
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