The skill standards cited here are abstracted from a report1 prepared jointly by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and the Electronic Industries Foundation (EIF). The project was funded in 1992 by the U.S. Department of Education's Business and Education Standards Program which is, in turn, an offshoot of the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) program. SCANS is most widely recognized for its America 2000 report.
The technical skills and competencies are classified as These topics fall within the scope of Electronics: Principles and Applications, Seventh Edition.
Demonstrate an understanding of:
- Proper safety techniques for all types of circuits and components, as well as OSHA standards.
- Proper troubleshooting techniques and the use of listening skills or assisting devices to assess signals and symptoms of malfunctions.
- Basic assembly skills, including soldering and desoldering techniques and the use of solderless terminals.
- Use of data books and technical manuals.
- Color codes and other component descriptors.
- Electrical and environmental site survey.
Interpret and create:
- Schematic diagrams.
- Technical drawings.
- Flow diagrams.
- Curves, tables, and graphs.
- Recorded data.
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Discrete Solid-State Devices
Demonstrate an understanding of:
- Properties of semiconductor materials
- PN junctions
- Bipolar and field-effect transistors
- Special diodes and transistors
Fabricate, demonstrate the operation, troubleshoot, and repair solid-state circuits, including:
- Diode circuits
- Optoelectronic circuits
- Single-stage amplifiers
- Thyristor circuits (SCR, triac, diac, etc.)
Describe the function and use (with examples of appropriate situations for use), demonstrate ability to use, apply all necessary safety procedures, and demonstrate correct setup procedures for:
- Frequency counter
- Function generator
- Light intensity meter
- Semiconductor tester
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Analog Circuits
Demonstrate an understanding of:
- Phase shift control circuits
- Microwave circuits
Fabricate, demonstrate the operation, troubleshoot, and repair analog circuits, including:
- Multistage amplifiers
- IF circuits
- Linear power supplies and filters
- Operational amplifier circuits
- Audio power amplifiers
- Regulated and switching power supply circuits
- Active filter circuits
- Sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal oscillator circuits
- Fiber-optic circuits
- RF circuits
- Signal modulation systems (AM, FM)
Describe the function and use (with examples of appropriate situations for use), demonstrate ability to use, apply all necessary safety procedures, and demonstrate correct setup procedures for:
- Soldering and desoldering equipment and supplies for surface-mount devices (SMDs)
- Voltage isolation transformer (adjustable)
Demonstrate a knowledge of the appropriate and correct use of calibration standards using necessary safety procedures within a reasonable time frame.
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