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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Medical Coding Workbook for Physician Practices and Facilities 2011 - 2012 Edition, 6/e

Cynthia Newby, CPC, CPC-P, Chestnut Hill Enterprises, Inc.

ISBN: 0073374881
Copyright year: 2012

Feature Summary

Medical Coding Workbook for Physician Practices and Facilities builds coding expertise by providing extensive practice in code selection. It is designed to be used in conjunction with ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1 and 2, and with CPT/HCPCS. ICD-9-CM Volume 3 is needed for Section 8 of Part 3. A medical dictionary and other medical references will also be helpful as you work through the coding exercises.

The workbook has three sections: Part 1, ICD-9-CM; Part 2, CPT and HCPCS; and Part 3, Physician and Facility Coding Linkage and Compliance. The exercises in the parts follow the structure of the coding references. Each set of exercises also presents Coding Tips to extend your knowledge of coding principles.

Because of the importance of correct coding, many medical coders seek certification as professional coders from organizations such as the American Academy of Professional Coders and the American Health Information Management Association. Certification examinations are taken after the coder has had both coding education and work experience. The Coding Quizzes in Medical CodingWorkbook for Physician Practices and Facilities introduce you to the format of these exams and are useful in helping you build coding skill.

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