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ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES The Federal Reserve, at www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h8/Current, provides an aggregate balance sheet for commercial banks in the United States. Check the current release, and look in the asset column for "Loans and leases." Rank the following components of loans and leases in terms of size: commercial and industrial, real estate, consumer, security, and other. Over the past 12 months, which component has increased by the largest percentage? By the largest absolute amount? Has the net worth (assets less liabilities) of all commercial banks in the United States increased, decreased, or remained constant during the past year? |
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RESERVE REQUIREMENTS—ANY CHANGES TO TABLE 32.1? Go to the Fed's Web site, www.federalreserve.gov, and select Monetary Policy. Click on Policy Tools, then Reserve Requirements. On that page, scroll down and read the table labeled Reserve Requirements. Does any part of Table 32.1 need updating? If so, prepare a new, updated table. Scroll down further and look at the table labeled Low-Reserve Tranche Amounts and Exemption Amounts since 1982. Does Fed policy regarding reserve requirements change fairly often?. |