David M. Sadker,
Univ of Arizona and Professor Emeritus, Amer Univ Karen R. Zittleman,
Ph.D., American University
ISBN: 0073378755 Copyright year: 2010
Several themes and resources have become the hallmarks
of Teachers, Schools, and Society over the years.
Focus on Equity
Issues of social justice and equity are at the core of
our book. In your reading, you’ll examine the racial,
economic, social, and gender issues that erect barriers
to equal opportunity. Discussions of
equity are integrated throughout the book. Student diversity, which may be the most critical
issue facing our schools in the decades ahead, is a
powerful focus integrated throughout the book. The
text provides explanations of group differences in
academic performance, as well as practical strategies
for nonracist, nonsexist teaching. We argue that only
through recognizing and appreciating diversity can
teaching be both effective and joyful.
Research Updated and Expanded to
Reflect Education in America Today
As with previous editions, the goal of the ninth edition
is to expose you to the issues facing education today; to
ensure its currency, over four hundred new references
have been added. Some of the topics receiving special
attention in this edition include gender stereotypes;
multicultural education; and gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender (GLBT) students. This new edition
also provides updated discussions of school reform,
classroom management, poverty, alternative families,
eating disorders and obesity, sex education, special
education, No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and standards based
education. Readers will also note the revised
discussions of teachers’ liability in the classroom.
Integrated Pedagogy
The interaction between you and Teachers, Schools,
and Society begins with the writing and continues
with thoughtfully constructed pedagogical features.
It is our hope that the features allow you greater
exploration and understanding of material in the
text. In Teachers, Schools, and Society, you’ll find
many features; we’ve outlined a few of them here as
examples of what you’ll see between the covers of
the book.
INTASC Reflective Activities and Your
Portfolio (RAPs) The RAPs follow and connect
to each of the four parts of the book; they are keyed
to INTASC standards for licensing beginning teachers.
In Appendix 3 , we provided a chart connecting
the content of the book to INTASC standards and the
correlated RAPs.
You Be the Judge This feature provides two
sides of an educational issue and asks you to consider
these different points of view.
What Do You Think? This feature taps into the
readers’ curiosity and prepares you for the chapter that
follows. It links to the Online Learning Center, where
you can take a quick survey or self-inventory that registers
your responses on issues ranging from why you want
to become a teacher to how much you already know
about the history of education.
Reflection Questions To help you determine
if teaching is right for you, and to learn more about
education in general, you will find Reflection questions
throughout the text. These questions will put you
right into the center of issues, a personal connection
that encourages your thoughtful deliberation.
Interactive Activity Links These activities
are listed in the text margin and can be found on the
Online Learning Center. They allow you to connect
to content in unique ways, such as responding to
a multicultural literacy quiz or taking a personal emotional
intelligence assessment.
The annotated instructor's edition provides a wealth of instructional ideas and links key supplements to the content through approximately 40 annotations per chapter. Features include teaching tips, critical thinking questions, suggested in-class activities, "Global Views," and "Multiple Intelligences Connections."
The text is accompanied by a wealth of supplements developed by the author, including an Annotated Instructor’s Edition; an Instructor’s Manual with extensive, creative activities; a Test Bank; PowerPoint presentations; a video program (on DVD); an Online Learning Center; CPS questions; Blackboard and WebCT cartridges; and the student Reader CD-ROM with 35 readings, 23 case studies, and 19 classroom observation video segments.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.