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Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
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Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Giorgio Rizzoni, The Ohio State University


Student Center
Chapter 1: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Chapter 3: Resistive Network Analysis
Chapter 4: AC Network Analysis
Chapter 5: Transient Analysis
Chapter 6: Frequency Response and System Concepts
Chapter 7: AC Power
Chapter 8: Operational Amplifiers
Chapter 9: Semiconductors and Diodes
Chapter 10: Bipolar Junction Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications
Chapter 11: Field-Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications
Chapter 12: Digital Logic Circuits
Chapter 13: Principles of Electromechanics
Chapter 14: Introduction to Electric Machines
Instructor Center
Chapter 1: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Chapter 3: Resistive Network Analysis
Chapter 4: AC Network Analysis
Chapter 5: Transient Analysis
Chapter 6: Frequency Response and System Concepts
Chapter 7: AC Power
Chapter 8: Operational Amplifiers
Chapter 9: Semiconductors and Diodes
Chapter 10: Bipolar Junction Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications
Chapter 11: Field-Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications
Chapter 12: Digital Logic Circuits
Chapter 13: Principles of Electromechanics
Chapter 14: Introduction to Electric Machines
Information Center
Sample Chapter
Table of Contents
About the Author
Book Preface
Feature Summary
Engineering Catalog

Today's engineers must be able to communicate effectively within the interdisciplinary teams in which they work. Electrical, electronic and electromechanical systems are pervasive in all aspects of engineering design and analysis. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering serves to prepare students for their careers by:

  • Presenting the fundamentals of electrical and electronic circuits, and of electronic and electromechanical systems using an approach that is designed to appeal to students from a variety of engineering disciplines through applied examples and effective pedagogy.
  • Introducing students to the most appropriate analytical and computational tools to solve a variety of practical problems.
  • Illustrating, by way of concrete, fully developed examples, many relevant applications of the fundamentals of electrical engineering.
  • Hallmark features in this text include clearly-illustrated examples, Focus on Methodology sections, Check Your Understanding exercises, and Make the Connection sidebars.