Noe:Fundamentals of HR Mgt 3e
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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3/e

Raymond Noe, The Ohio State University
John Hollenbeck, Michigan State University
Barry Gerhart, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pat Wright, Cornell University

ISBN: 0073381470
Copyright year: 2009

Table of Contents

 CHAPTER 1 Managing Human Resources
PART I The Human Resource Environment
 CHAPTER 2Trends in Human Resource Management
 CHAPTER 3Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a Safe Workplace
 CHAPTER 4 Analyzing Work and Designing Jobs
PART II Acquiring and Preparing Human Resources
 CHAPTER 5 Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources
 CHAPTER 6Selecting Employees and Placing Them in Jobs
 CHAPTER 7Training Employees
PART III Assessing Performance and Developing Employees
 CHAPTER 8Managing Employees' Performance
 CHAPTER 9Developing Employees for Future Success
 CHAPTER 10Separating and Retaining Employees
PART IV Compensating Human Resources
 CHAPTER 11Establishing a Pay Structure
 CHAPTER 12Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay
 CHAPTER 13Providing Employee Benefits
PART V Meeting Other HR Goals
 CHAPTER 14Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
 CHAPTER 15Managing Human Resources Globally
 CHAPTER 16 Creating and Maintaining High-Performance Organizations

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