Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, 5/e
Robert A. Burgelman,
Stanford University Clayton M. Christensen,
Harvard Business School Steven C. Wheelwright,
Harvard Bus. Sch. (Emeritus), Brigham Young Univ.
ISBN: 0073381543 Copyright year: 2009
Feature Summary
New Features:
The best, most current collection of cases and readings can be found in this comprehensive volume, which simplifies the task of a faculty member putting together a course and having timely, relevant, and engaging materials. See the table of contents for complete list of cases and readings—25% of the material is new. New material has been italicized.
Part One includes 3 new cases and one new reading, all within the Technological Innovation and Strategy section.
Part Two includes seven new cases and two new readings. Two of the new cases appear in the Technological Evolution section (related to MySQL Open Source Database); Two are in the Industry Context section; Three are in the Strategic Action section, as are the two new readings. They cover companies such as Infosys Consulting, Charles Schwab, HP and Compaq.
Includes two new readings in the Linking New Technology and Novel Customer Needs section, as well as a new case on GolfLogix. The section on Internal Corporate Venturing includes a new case on Pitney Bowes Inc.
Part Five has a new case and a new reading in the New Product Development section (Vitreon Corporation); It also has two new cases in the Building Competende/Capabilities Through New Product Development (ITC, Genetech).
Part Five has 3 new cases (Intel Centrino, SAP, and Nike's Global Women's Fitness Business).
Retained Features:
Each part of the book starts with an introductory chapter laying out an overall framework and offering a brief discussion of key tools and findings from existing literature. The remainder of each part offers a selected handful of seminar readings and case studies.
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